
Fine Arts

Phone: (240) 740-7245

Resource Teacher:

Armstead-Thomas, Mrs. Jacqueline A





Fine Arts Courses & Pathways

All students must take at least 1.0 credit of Music/Visual Arts in order to graduate.



Dance as a fine art




Piano 1, 2, 3, 4

Guitar 1, 2, 3, 4

World Drumming

Music Technology

Chorus (1, 2, 3, Show Choir*, Chamber Choir*)

Bands (Concert, Symphonic*, Wind Ensemble*)

Orchestras (Concert, Symphonic*, Philharmonic*)

Jazz Ensemble*

AP Music Theory*



Theatre 1, 2

Advanced Acting

Stage Design

Play Directing


Visual Art


Foundations of Art & Culture

Functional Fine Art & Craft 1, 2

Fashion Illustration

Ceramics 1, 2, 3, 4

Digital Art 1, 2, 3, 4

Advanced Animation

Photography 1, 2, 3, 4, AP

Studio Art 1, 2, 3, AP

AP 2D Studio Art*

AP 2D Photography*

AP Art History


*Audition, portfolio, or instructor permission is required


A closer look at the courses

School Improvement Plan (SIP)

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Montgomery Blair High School
51 University Blvd East, Silver Spring, MD 20901-2451
(240) 740-7200
Maryland Tip Line: +1 (833) 632-7233
These pages were created by the Blair Sysops under the supervision of Peter Hammond.

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